Sunday 21 April 2013

What a long, strange strange trip it's has been

If you are familiar with this phrase, it's no wonder as it is an achievement from World of Warcraft where it requires players to complete objectives from world events over the course of the whole year. At the end of this road, players are awarded with a Violet Proto Drake and 310% flight speed.

Similarly, this course has brought me on a trip throughout the various aspects of the Internet. In a way, they are things that I have already known, but never been able to categorize it properly in my head until now. There have been information taught on things that I have known about, and new information to add to my internal library. In the end, I can never know all that there is to know about the Internet, as it is constantly changing, improving, or digressing faster than I can catch up.

Many aspects of it, from its history, to its future in various disciplines. The future is unpredictable, as are the humans who forge it, therefore it is only for a few innovators who are able to harness the unpredictability of the Internet and make it their playground.

I for one, will prefer to watch it happen from the sidelines, and anticipate what the future will hold for the Internet.

P.S: Some of my posts mention about the Future of the internet, therefore I have left it out from my totals.

-Paperbear out, for good this time :)

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